Transparent pricing that scales with your success

Explore monthly plans, calculate costs, and browse FAQs.

Crafting with Node.js or Python? Seenode launches your code into the cloud with just a Git push. 
Elevate your project effortlessly!
$1 USD
per month
7 day free tiral
Support for Node, Python, and PHP
Build history
Deployment from GitHub and GitLab
Custom domains
Automatic HTTPS
Runtime logs
Support for environment variables
Spinning MySQL magic? Seenode is your cloud carpet ride. One push, and your data soars skyward, simplifying storage with style!
$1 USD
per month
7 day free trial
Fully managed MySQL
250MB SSD storage included
Expandable storage options
Simply  and Highly scalable
Connect from anywhere
Scale as you go
Outstanding scalability
Unleash the power. Adjust CPU and Memory resources, change the number of running nodes, or both up to 7 times. Whatever works best for you.
Customers first aid
Frequently asked questions
Am I charged when I enter my credit card?
Can I have a refund?
What if I use a service for less than a month, would I still be charged for the whole month?